jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019


The following day, Don Diego Vega went to Don Carlos's home because he wanted to marry Lolita. Carlos and Lolita's mum accepted Don Diego as his son in law. But Lolita didn't want to marry Don Diego. Later, at night, a soldier who wanted to marry also Lolita went to Carlos's home. When the soldier was going to kiss Lolita, Zorro entered into the room to interrupt the soldier. The soldier and Zorro started to fight and Zorro won again. He told the soldier to go far away from Lolita because he was in love with her. Surprisingly, Lolita love also Zorro.

Next morning, the soldier went to speak with sergeant Gonzales and they decided to arrest Carlos's family because they were Zorro's friends. After a while, the soldiers captured Carlos family. That's why Zorro and the three avengers decided to rescue them from prison. They succeed with the plan and now Carlos's family was save. Zorro took Lolita to a house where he revealed his identity. Lolita was surprised! Zorro was in reality Don Diego.

Resultado de imagen de zorro mcculley book cover

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