miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018


Once upon a time a man called Edward Malone wanted to marry a woman named Gladys but she said no because she wanted to have a husband who was a hero. Then he contacted with the Professor Challenger who showed Edward a picture of a dinosaur that was over a plateau. The professor invited Edward to a convention. There Professor Challenger, Professor Summerlee and Lord Roxton planned a trip to South America to try to discover some dinosaurs.
They went there by ship and when they arrived to the island their adventure began. They found lots of things like remains of dinosaur bones, dinosaur footprints… Until they found the dinosaurs and their homes!
There some ape-people kidnapped everybody with the exception of Edward because at that time he was not with them. When Edward came back and saw that his mates were not there and after hearing Lord Roxton explaining everything he decided to look for and rescue them. They didn´t understand the Indian language but one day the Indians gave them a map that was a way to escape from the Lost World! Finally, when they arrived they performed a show of what they did and at the end Professor Challenger had a dinosaur and the dinosaur flew and escape. The next day Edward went to Gladys house and Gladys was already married but with a person who was not famous.

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