sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018


Zorro is a bandit who helps to the poor people. One day Zorro appeared in a bar and in there, there was a soldier and Zorro and the soldier fought. Zorro wont the fight and he drew a “Z” on the soldier´s shirt. 

The next day Don Diego told the daughter of Don Carlos “Lolita” that he loved her and he wanted to marry her. Suddenly she heard a noise it was Zorro. Zorro wanted to say to Lolita that he also loved her. Zorro went to Lolita´s house for food and drink and they told him it was dangerous to be there and he had to leave.

Captain Ramon stopped Lolita and her family because it was believed that they helped Zorro. Then Zorro needed help to rescue them and took them to different places. Zorro forced Captain Ramon to tell the truth or kill him. In the end, Zorro killed Captain Ramon and took off his mask in front of Lolita and discovered that Zorro was Don Diego. 

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