domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019


The book is about a very rich man, one day when he was going to work he disappeared, the police didn´t find him. He had a daughter of eighteen years that was very worried. His daughter found out how much money her father business had, their economic situation was very good, but all the people of the business were hiding something to her. She started to investigate and she discovered a thing called project Omega, the project usage was to have all the power of the world, control countries, cities, villages, all you can imagine. But that was not what her father wanted, that's what their father's partners wanted. She makes a friend called Thomas who saves her from death, she tells her friend about project Omega and her friend decides to help her. One day she was walking in the street and she feels someone pushing her inside a car. She falls asleep and then she wakes up in a luxury plane with her friend Thomas, her friend says that they are going to a desert island where her father was, and that her father got away from New York because he was in danger and that the secretary took papers from project Omega and she went to Atlanta and she was going to show project Omega to the world. When they arrived to the island her father told her that he was going to live forever in that island. She went back to new York to help poor people and after that she went to the island to live with her father forever.
Resultado de imagen de project omega book cover

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